About the CSR Department

IFCCI CSR Department brings together French and Indian member companies, not-for-organizations and other CSR stakeholders on one platform to collectively contribute to the larger CSR space and to make a positive and meaningful impact on the society. The Department is equipped with the requisite regulations under the CSR Law which enables the Department to receive CSR Funds and is well structured and guided by an Advisory Committee Board and the Grant Review Committee


Community Engagement, Development, and Investment


To foster democratic and equitable living environment, wherein all vulnerable people especially underprivileged, women and children have access to Education, Health, Sustainable Livelihood opportunities and essential infrastructure services irrespective of their economic and social status


  • To work for the social development of underprivileged individuals and communities
  • To encourage healthcare development and health promotion
  • To assist in the process of social integration and personal realisation of underprivileged children, youth, and other members of the communities.



To strengthen corporate-NGO partnerships by bringing together CEOs, CXOs and CSR Heads of corporates, NGOs, CSR Foundations, policymakers, and other CSR stakeholders on a single platform to help give back to the society.



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Yale Synthlube

  • Project: Establishing STEAM Lab   
  • School Name: JHS Chapprauli 
  • Project Location: Chapprauli, Noida, UP Beneficiaries: 176+ Children 
  • Project Duration: Establishment 
  • Project Activities: Year 1: Establishing STEAM Lab 


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Air Liquide- 

  • Project: Establishing Digital Classrooms 
  • School Name: JHS Garhi Shahdra School 
  • Project Location: Garhi, Noida, UP 
  • Beneficiaries: 280+ Children 
  • Project Duration: Establishment   
  • Project Activities: Year 1: Establishing Digital Classroom


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  • Project: Adoption of a School   
  • School Name: a. Prathmik Vidhyalaya b. Govt. Model Sanksriti Primary School Gurugram 
  • Project Location: Greater Noida, UP and Gurugram, Haryana 
  • Beneficiaries: 400+ Children  
  • Project Duration: 3 Years 
  • Project Activities: Year 1: Refurbishment and Toiletization, Installation of Solar Panels, School Infrastructure, Playground 




Direct Beneficiaries



Indirect Beneficiaries


Benefits of Collaboration

  • Opportunity to collaborate with an experienced and passionate team committed to social change.
  • Access to funding and resources to support the successful implementation of selected projects.
  • Potential for wider visibility and recognition through joint efforts and partnership activities.

Implementing Partners



Thanks to the generous support of Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) and Air Liquide. This innovative learning environment has revolutionized the way our students engage with their education. The digital tools and resources provided have made learning more interactive, engaging, and effective. Our students are now able to access a wealth of information and educational content that was previously out of reach. This has not only improved their academic performance but also prepared them for the digital future. We are deeply grateful to them for their commitment to enhancing education and empowering our students. 

Junior High School, Garhi Shahdra

Upper Primary School, Chhaprauli

We are immensely grateful for the establishment of the STEAM Lab in our school. This state-of-the-art facility has significantly enhanced the learning experience for our students. With access to advanced resources and technology, our students are now able to engage in hands-on, experiential learning that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. This initiative has not only broadened their horizons but also sparked a deeper interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) and Yale Synthlube Industries Pvt Ltd for their generous support and commitment to our students’ education and future. 

IFCCI CSR Department brings together all stakeholders including member companies (French and Indian), NGOs, not-for-profit organisations and other collaborating agencies on one platform to collectively contribute to the larger CSR space and to make alarger impact on the environment and society.


To explore potential collaborations in the

CSR space for this financial year, contact

Mr Abdul Azeem, CSR Manager,

IFCCI at [email protected]

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